Pregnancy is a phase when the aspect of nutrition is the most crucial because a woman has to take care of not just her requirements but also ensure that her body has all the resources necessary to maintain a healthy environment to help grow new life within. Moreover, there are various myths creating confusion around which foods are safe to consume and which are harmful. Since every pregnancy is unique, this programme is crafted for every mother as we offer customised plans according to every trimester. These plans would therefore focus on fulfilling the nutritional needs of the mother and child. Pregnancies can be a sensitive time as the body is constantly changing to accommodate the baby and this can result in several new contingencies like developing an aversion to certain foods, experiencing gastric problems, and similar other conditions. Our plans are designed to accommodate these sprouting hurdles and ensure that you and your child aren’t deprived of any nutrients.
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Schedule a call with Nr. Afsha Ammar
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Get follow-up calls twice a week followed by one call a week from Second Month
90 Days
180 Days